Kathy Miller is a Joshua Tree and Palms Springs Freelance Photographer, painter, and artist, Kathy Miller. Also photographs artworks and artists for web and catalog.
Portrait Photography Workshop for photographers. Good portrait photography is all about setting the mood, lighting, posing, and gentle guidance. It is about the art of making your subjects feel confident, and that confidence emulates from their trust in the photographer. Building relationships is one aspect of the equation. The photographer must master their skills to quickly adjust to any lighting situation, change exposures, angles, move self or clients to capture the best images possible. Nothing will keep you on your toes more than working with babies and new mothers, preschool children and their parents, people with special needs, a large family group, or what to do when the equipment is acting up. Fly away hair, animal hair, things in pockets, and what colors to suggest clients not wear. Location and posing scenarios to avoid. Plus, how to edit out distractions. Hands-on practice and skill building exercises that will improve your work. The workshop classes will help you succeed in your career path as a professional photographer who specializes in people, things that move and have emotions. And we'll talk about the importance of customer service, which comes down to over deliver and appreciation. I was a portrait photographer for 15 years who specialized in preschool children, maternity, newborns, families, and family reunions. As a member of PPA who attended annual training and conventions, I have extensive training and experience to share with portrait photographers who are just beginning their careers, or looking for fresh perspectives. Studio work knowledge provides a solid foundation that can be used on location as well. I averaged $250,000 in sales working part time. I edited my own work, sold my own work, and marketed myself. My website while hosted at Go Daddy was redirected to bogus sites, and amazon sellers. Some of those bogus google listings are still out there. Email me at Kathymillerartworks@gmail.com for more information. Weekend class April 4, 5, 6 or May 16, 17, 18 Day One evening session, 2 hours. Introductions, class overviews, equipment check. Day Two 9:30 - 4, with a lunch break. The basics of setting up a studio space, equipment options, lighting I, customer service, location settings and timing, lighting I, props Day Three 9:30 – 4, with a lunch break Posing, props, lighting II, groups, practice inside and outside, live models. $350, class limit, 5.
Weekday class, 9 – 3, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. April 8, 9, 10 Same classes as above, extra time spent on a location shoot with live models $400, class limit, 5. Equipment list: DSLR, at least one speed light, tripod, at least 32G in flash cards, and extra batteries. Optional: remote triggers, light stand, LED adjustable light.
Kathy Miller Photography and Artworks in Joshua Tree, CA 92252